Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Driving Slow is Boring

I was reading an old news article on Google news today that said, In 2000 California did a study to find out how the increased speed limit that was put in place in 1995 had affected accidents, injuries and Fatalities. They discovered that in the five years of the increased speed-limit that there were fewer/less in all categories.?

How could that be? The science behind it is that “Most People” will pay more attention to what they are doing the faster they go. More simplistically, “Driving Slow is Boring”!
In a city format it is Ok. There is more to see, more stopping, and more to avoid. However on the highway when there isn’t all of those eye catching buildings and signs, the driver develops “tunnel vision” and in a way “Spaces out”. When you are going 70-80 mph it demands you keep your head in the game!
While I understand that this kind of science is deadly for real life drivers, I can’t help but think about applying it to the young people of this Generation.

I just did a youth retreat this weekend for the Churches of Monroe and Clinton Michigan and the theme was “Answer The Call”. Our intention is to ignite these students into doing something “more” for God. The days of just showing up to the “Social Club Youth Group” are over.

I think, in a way, this is the culture “we” have created. When a youth group only initializes young men and women to do nothing more than “Show up”, it sets them up for a wipe out on the preverbal “straight and narrow”. Some say well lets don’t bore them with a bunch of Spirituality, but I say, they are more bored with the low expectations you have put on them. I believe that if we would raise the expectation level, (Speed Limit), we would see fewer/less crashes, injuries and deaths in the ranks of our young people. When was the last time you heard about a 19yr old Pastor? Or a 15yr old bible study teacher? Even at the suggestion of that, some of you shuttered and did that little pssshhh sound you make when you’re thinking, “Whatever”. Maybe that is why you haven’t heard of it..........

If we do these thing I believe we can lower the casualties in this generation.

......Driving Slow is Boring.....


  1. This is awesome Bro. Chavis and I agree that we need to expect our youth to do great things and not fit the stereotype.

    Sis. Tanya (the wife of the tanker you met this weekend at winter retreat:) Monroe MI

  2. Absolutely agree! God has really been challenging me to be someone that will help empower our young people to be used NOW! Thank you for sharing your thoughts! They are definitely directed by God! I will share this!

    Joleen Whisenhunt
