Tuesday, March 9, 2010

“Hero Complex”

I was raised without a television in my home. Now don’t say, “aw that poor fella” it was a blessing! I read instead.....I would like to take this moment and thank my Parents and the UPCI for having set that standard for ministry in the home. Me and my brothers are indebted to you and your convictions. I still do not have one (television). I am passing on that blessing to my children.

One of my favorite things to do for entertainment was read comic books. It was a world of adventure and excitement! The characters would leap off the pages into my imagination! I would act out the heroic efforts of Superman, Aquaman, Spiderman, Batman, G.I. Joe and a host of other “Heroes”. Me and my brothers couldn’t wait to get the next month’s issue to see what happened to the Hero! Inevitably he/she, (I liked Wonder Woman as well......stop laughing..), would always arise victorious! You always pulled for the “Hero” and hated the Villain.

The fight between good and evil always intrigues the human mind. The human race has always reached for a “Hero”. What made those comic books sell and kept me and my brothers entertained for hours on end was simple, we wanted to be the “Hero”. I think everybody does on some level. It is why most eight year old boys want to be “Fire Fighters”, “Police Men” or “Soldiers” our base human nature wants to be “Heroic”. That’s why you read in the news about some stranger running into a burning building and saving somebody’s life. Human nature sees someone in need and it wants to “Help”, in essence, be the “Hero”.

I believe it is God Given! The “Hero Complex” most humans carry is a direct result of the God in who’s image we are made. He desires to be the Hero. The “Hero” who flies in and saves the day. Masked in Mercy as he fights sin and death in a grueling battle in which he, the “Hero” gives his life. But in the next issue the “Hero” rises again! This time with all Power! Disguised as a mere man, Jesus, known to us as the ultimate “Hero”! Caped in Glory as he sweeps into your marriage and defeats the “Villain” of your home. Wrestling you free from the addiction that has you bound. Rescuing us from “despair” and giving us the “Hope of Glory”!

I think that sometimes when we envision God we see him as a “Sin Grader” or “Task Master”. We think he sees our sin, shame, and failures as obstacles, when he really sees these things as opportunities ! Opportunities to be who he longs to be,
“The Hero”.

I write this today not only for the “Lost” but also for the “Saved”, who only see Jesus sitting behind the seat of judgement and not as the “Hero” of their soul.
How you “see him” is how you “live for him”.
“Live like he is your Hero”

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Driving Slow is Boring

I was reading an old news article on Google news today that said, In 2000 California did a study to find out how the increased speed limit that was put in place in 1995 had affected accidents, injuries and Fatalities. They discovered that in the five years of the increased speed-limit that there were fewer/less in all categories.?

How could that be? The science behind it is that “Most People” will pay more attention to what they are doing the faster they go. More simplistically, “Driving Slow is Boring”!
In a city format it is Ok. There is more to see, more stopping, and more to avoid. However on the highway when there isn’t all of those eye catching buildings and signs, the driver develops “tunnel vision” and in a way “Spaces out”. When you are going 70-80 mph it demands you keep your head in the game!
While I understand that this kind of science is deadly for real life drivers, I can’t help but think about applying it to the young people of this Generation.

I just did a youth retreat this weekend for the Churches of Monroe and Clinton Michigan and the theme was “Answer The Call”. Our intention is to ignite these students into doing something “more” for God. The days of just showing up to the “Social Club Youth Group” are over.

I think, in a way, this is the culture “we” have created. When a youth group only initializes young men and women to do nothing more than “Show up”, it sets them up for a wipe out on the preverbal “straight and narrow”. Some say well lets don’t bore them with a bunch of Spirituality, but I say, they are more bored with the low expectations you have put on them. I believe that if we would raise the expectation level, (Speed Limit), we would see fewer/less crashes, injuries and deaths in the ranks of our young people. When was the last time you heard about a 19yr old Pastor? Or a 15yr old bible study teacher? Even at the suggestion of that, some of you shuttered and did that little pssshhh sound you make when you’re thinking, “Whatever”. Maybe that is why you haven’t heard of it..........

If we do these thing I believe we can lower the casualties in this generation.

......Driving Slow is Boring.....

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Sea World/Sin World

Thinking about the Tragedy at Sea World this week. “My condolences to the family and friends of the Young lady that was drowned by the Orca. It is unbearable to think how early her life was lost. “

I have taken my wife and girls to that same location a couple of times, we love the “Shamu” show! If you have not seen it live you owe it to yourself, it is breath taking! People taming, interacting and acting with these magnificent animals is an unreal experience. However there is a phrase always playing in the back of my mind, “Killer Whale”. It is after all a “Killer Whale” it got that name somehow.? The animal is genetically designed to be a hunter. You can’t be mad at the animal without being mad at nature. The wild and unpredictable nature of what some call, “The greatest hunter on the planet”, is something that would be un-natural and impossible to “Tame”.

The thought leads me to sit in the stadium of human nature and order popcorn and a coke and study/ponder the plight of many people who for some reason believe “they” can tame, interact and act with the “Greatest Hunter of Men” with no repercussion or harm.
The animal in this arena is no Orca! This animal has taken more people down to the cold blackness than any other beast on the earth! This animal is SIN! I know that it looks beautiful for the Bible says that, “Sin gives pleasure for a season” (Heb 11:25), and it may be fun “now”, but it will turn on you when you least expect it and destroy you in a moments notice. As we in the stands scream in horror and pray for your safety. Why do we stay in the pool of the world with the “Beast” for so long? Becoming too familiar with the waning joy that it brings and the sense of pleasure and Freedom it erroneously induces. All the while thinking that you are going to be the exception to the rule!? Until the day you realize that sin has been faithful to it’s nature, and given you what is in it’s genetic make up to give.......Death...(Rom 6:23)

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Music was made in Heaven, it was not made on the earth. There was music in Heaven a long time before there was even an earth. Now music was created and designed by God as a form of Worship, and it only functions on the Worship level. That was God's original design for it, and though it is now used in many different facets many do not realize that it can never be separated from it's original intent, Worship. This explains to me why Music is so powerful and captivating, because it was sovereignly designed as a form of angelic Worship. Even now we are admonished by the scriptures to come before His presence with singing. (Psa 100:2) In Matthew 4:10 Jesus tells Satan "Thou shalt Worship the Lord thy God, and Him only shalt thou serve". Which leads me to believe that whatever you Worship, you will in turn serve. Therefore if Music can not be separated from Worship then when we partake in Music we are in a sense Worshipping even though we may not be aware.? How many songs have you listened to this week that suggested fornication, adultery, violence, sex, idolatry, rebellion, disobedience, perversion and even drug usage? We would not willing Worship these things would we? I think not. But what if the devil, who by the way is the master musician, had a Trojan horse planted right in our ipod, radio, and cd player? What have we, including myself, allowed ourselves to Worship? I have made my rule of thumb this "If it does not up lift God or the things of God then I don't listen to it". Maybe after reading this we should all take an inventory of our musical repertoire and make some changes.? Because as innocent as we think it is to listen to it, it may be making it that much easier for us to "serve it". Be careful what you Worship because you may very well end up serving it......

Monday, May 18, 2009

What is Church?

I think it is a question that is worth asking. "Church" has went through many cultural changes in the last 2000 yrs, and what it "is" is not what is "was". Or is it? The Bible makes many references in the New Testament to the "Synagogue " (the building where a Jewish assembly or congregation meets for religious worship and instruction.)Which I believe is a precursor to the "Church Buildings" that we conduct our services in today. Jesus himself Taught and Healed in the Synagogues of his time and used them as a launching point for his Ministry even at a very young age. You will see many times the Scripture making the reference to Jesus "teaching in the Synagogue on the Sabbath day". Which leads me to believe that in part we have "Church" somewhat right in that we meet on the Sabbath and hear God's Word Taught and Preached. We receive instruction and we Worship, so the Synagogue of old is not that much different in function that the "Churches" of the New. However, Jesus showed us a side of "Church" that we "sometimes" forget. Not so much going to "Church" (which I believe is right and proper) but also "BEING" the "Church". ...Example... Jesus Delivering the man with Legion possessing him, Jesus Healing the woman with the issue of blood, Jesus Redeeming the woman at the well, all great miracles and works that took place "outside" of the "Church Building". Let us ask ourselves "individually" What is the "Church"? Do I Personify that in my daily life? Or just when I am inside the Building? Is "Church" 3 songs, offering, another song, a message, and an alter call? Or are we truly trying to Minister and not just going through the motions? Are we having "Church" just for us? So we can smack high five and say "Man now that was "Church"? Are we on point with the procedure and missing the point on the purpose? I have taken a personally inventory of Cortt and what I think "Church" is and the fact that I do have so many questions makes me think, maybe I need to Study and Pray some more to make sure I am not wasting "Church".....